Um quarto para o Santiago...A bedroom for Santiago
terça-feira, maio 31, 2011Hello, good afternoon sorry for the delay but today I had an hectic morning in the shop, a meeting with a momy who wants a room for her's Santiago. Santiago is three years old and he needs his own space, so his mother came to us! Dressed in a blue, red and white T-shirt, with beautiful contrasting water green eyes, reminded me of rooms with nautical inspiration! I must confess I'm not a fan of anything too thematic, but this universe is a execelente inspiration when we want to design a boy's room, take a pick ...

Estou maluca com o quarto acima, adoro as riscas e a pele das cabeceiras, a roupa de cama, tudo! E francamente esta é a minha abordagem preferida, levemente inspirado, mas não literalmente nautico.
I'm crazy with the room above, I love the stripes and the leather headboards, the bedding clothes, everything! And quite frankly this is my favorite approach, loosely inspired but not literally nautical.
Photos: Google Images, Decor Pad.
Escolho sempre mobiliário lacado de branco mate para o quarto de crianças, acho que confere aos ambientes leveza e espontaneidade, e além disso permite que o mesmo vá crescendo com a criança sem necessidade de o trocar a cada 2 anos. Isso está definido, as riscas também quanto às cores têm que voltar para ver, beijinhos até amanhã!
I always choose white mate furniture, for childrens bedrooms, because it gives the spaces lightness and spontaneity, besides that, it keeps parents from having to change furniture every two years. White furniture and stripes are settled, but the colors hum... you have to stay tuned. Love, see you tomorrow!
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Ótimo post! Bjuss
ResponderEliminarDepois se puder mostre o resultado final! Aposto que vai ficar giríssimo!