Hoteis de Design...Design Hotels
segunda-feira, maio 30, 2011Olá bom dia, bom início de semana! Espero que o fim de semana tenha corrido bem, e para contrariar a melancolia que se instala a cada segunda-feira trouxe-vos imagens do Hotel W nas Maldivas! Um verdadeiro paraíso na terra, com um cenário exterior de sonho, mas o interior não fica atrás quartos modernos, bem decorados para verdadeiras férias de 5 ou mesmo 6 estrelas!
Hello, good morning! I hope you had a great weekend, and to combat the persistent melancholy that settles every Monday, I brought you images of the W Hotel in the Maldives! A true paradise on earth, with a dream outdoor setting, and modern, beachy interiors, for vacations of 5 or even 6 stars!
Hello, good morning! I hope you had a great weekend, and to combat the persistent melancholy that settles every Monday, I brought you images of the W Hotel in the Maldives! A true paradise on earth, with a dream outdoor setting, and modern, beachy interiors, for vacations of 5 or even 6 stars!

Fish Restaurant is right above the water, so I'm sure the fish is quite fresh!
Se calhar deixei-vos deprimidos! Eu estou, bastante, tanta maravilha até chateia certo? Beijinhos até amanhã!
I problably left you depressed! I'am! So much beauty is upsetting, right? Love, see you tomorrow!
I problably left you depressed! I'am! So much beauty is upsetting, right? Love, see you tomorrow!
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