Sem Medo do Preto....Don't Fear Black
sexta-feira, maio 06, 2011Olá bom dia, é Sexta feira, finalmente é fim de semana, e hoje quis deixar-vos imagens verdadeiramente inspiradoras, apesar do titulo. Pela experiência que tenho aqui na loja, os portugueses gostam muito e pedem muito preto. Eu não tenho nada contra! Acho preto lindo, elegante, clássico! Mas precisa de uma coisa essencial, quanto a mim, LUZ! Luz exterior, luz interior, que se consegue pela iluminação bem consegida, pelo uso de truques com espelhos e com jogos de branco. Numa das minhas incursões diárias pela net descobri a firma de Design Americana - ATMOSPHERE - que me deixou extasiada, pelo uso massivo do preto, mas de forma exímia, não acham?
Hello, good morning, today is Friday, the weekend is finally here, and despite the title, I wanted to leave you with some truly inspiring images. From my own experience here in the store, the Portuguese love and ask a lot, for black decor. I have nothing against it! Black is beautiful, elegant, classic! But you need a crucial thing, in my opinion, LIGHT! Exterior light, interior lighting, that you can get, and increase, with the use of mirror tricks and white games. In one of my daily excursions trough the net, I discovered the American Design Firm - ATMOSPHERE - that left me speechless by the massive use of black, but in a cleaver, modern even luminous way. Right?
Hello, good morning, today is Friday, the weekend is finally here, and despite the title, I wanted to leave you with some truly inspiring images. From my own experience here in the store, the Portuguese love and ask a lot, for black decor. I have nothing against it! Black is beautiful, elegant, classic! But you need a crucial thing, in my opinion, LIGHT! Exterior light, interior lighting, that you can get, and increase, with the use of mirror tricks and white games. In one of my daily excursions trough the net, I discovered the American Design Firm - ATMOSPHERE - that left me speechless by the massive use of black, but in a cleaver, modern even luminous way. Right?

1 comentários
Love B&W decor