Papel de Parede da Arte...Arte Wallpaper
terça-feira, maio 10, 2011Bom dia, e se está um bom dia! O sol já brilha quente, e hoje de manhã quando saí da Nazaré o mar estava vestido com um azul fantástico! Hoje vou falar-vos de um editor de papeis de parede e tecidos que desde sempre me acompanha aqui na loja, e que eu gosto particularmente porque tem papeis para todos os gostos. A empresa chama-se Arte Internacional e tem desde papel o mais básico, em linho, que eu adoro e tenho em casa, ao mais glamoroso, espreitem lá...
Good morning, and boy is a beautiful morning! The sun is hot, and this morning when I left Nazaré the sea was dressed in a fantástic blue! Today I want to tell you about an editor of wallpapers and fabrics that always has been with me here in the store, and that I particularly like because they have wallpapers to suit all tastes. The company is Arte International and has the most wide range of wallpapers, from the most basic one, in linen, which I love and have at my home, to the more glamorous, take a pick...
Good morning, and boy is a beautiful morning! The sun is hot, and this morning when I left Nazaré the sea was dressed in a fantástic blue! Today I want to tell you about an editor of wallpapers and fabrics that always has been with me here in the store, and that I particularly like because they have wallpapers to suit all tastes. The company is Arte International and has the most wide range of wallpapers, from the most basic one, in linen, which I love and have at my home, to the more glamorous, take a pick...
Colecção Paradise. Paradise Collection

Colecção Tropicália. Tropicália Collection

Colecção Velvet. Velvet Collection

Colecção Carapace. Carapace Collection

Colecção Bohemian. Bohemian Collection

Colecção Online. Online Colecttion
Eu não disse, papeis para todos os gostos! E esta é uma pequeníssima amostra. Qual é o seu preferido? Até amanhã...
See!! A wallpaper for every taste! And these is a tiny sample of their wide wallpaper variety. What´s your favourite? See you tomorrow...
1 comentários
Qtas belas opções... =D