sexta-feira, maio 13, 2011Olá, hoje já é boa tarde, mas por motivos alheios à minha vontade, por razões técnicas não conseguia aceder ao blog! Mas já cá estou, e hoje para vos falar de uma tendência presente tanto na moda como na decoração. O Ikat! O que é? É um padrão étnico, oriundo da Tailândia, que ao ser "revisitado" se tornou numa tendência "must", tanto nas passerelles mais exclusivas, como na decoração, ora espreitem a génese...
Hello, today is already good afternoon, but for reasons beyond my will, for technical reasons, I could not access the blog! But I'm here now, and today I want talk about a trend in fashion and in decorating. The Ikat! What is it? It's an ethnic pattern, originating from Thailand that to by being "revisited" has become a "must" trend, both in the most exclusive catwalks, and in decor, take a look at the genesis ...
Hello, today is already good afternoon, but for reasons beyond my will, for technical reasons, I could not access the blog! But I'm here now, and today I want talk about a trend in fashion and in decorating. The Ikat! What is it? It's an ethnic pattern, originating from Thailand that to by being "revisited" has become a "must" trend, both in the most exclusive catwalks, and in decor, take a look at the genesis ...

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Designers de todo mundo, pegaram neste padrão e deram-lhe uma volta, actualizaram-no em todos as cores, e agora é usado nos mais variados obejectos.
Designers all over the world, picked up this pattern and gave it a twist, up dating it, in every colour, and used it in most vary obejcts.

Zara Home

Zara Home

Zara Home

Zara Home

Zara Home
E estes acessórios criam estes ambientes! And this accessories create this spaces!

Madeline 446

Elle Decor

Decor Pad

Decor Pad

Decor Pad
As mais "fashionistas" também já o descobriram! The most fashionable have already gotten into it!



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Que tal? Gosto imenso de ver este padrão na roupa, gosto também nos acessórios para a casa e vocês? So, what do you think? I like it a lot in the clothes, and also on home acessories, how about you?
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