Hoteis de Design...Design Hotels
terça-feira, maio 17, 2011Bom dia, e desde já queria pedir desculpa pela a ausência, mas hoje para vos compensar, vou levar-vos a todos até às Caraíbas, que tal? Mais propriamente para uma ilha quase intocada pelo ser humano, a ilha de Grenada, a não ser para construir este hotel de sonho! O Hotel LA LUNA, é constitído por 16 cabanas decoradas com materiais oriundos do caribe, mesmo, mesmo em cima da praia...não sei se vale a pena dizer mais alguma coisa..ora vejam!
Good morning to you all, I'm sorry for the absence, but today to compensate you, I'm going to take you all to the Caribbean, interested? More properly to an island almost untouched by humans, the Grenada island, except to build this dream hotel of course! The Hotel LA LUNA, is made of 16 huts decorated with an indonesian feel, but with materials from the Caribbean, just right on the beach ... do I really need to say anything else? Take a look!
Good morning to you all, I'm sorry for the absence, but today to compensate you, I'm going to take you all to the Caribbean, interested? More properly to an island almost untouched by humans, the Grenada island, except to build this dream hotel of course! The Hotel LA LUNA, is made of 16 huts decorated with an indonesian feel, but with materials from the Caribbean, just right on the beach ... do I really need to say anything else? Take a look!

Bom, espero que a vossa melanina ainda não tenha assumido o tom verde-inveja! O meu intuito é unicamente, dar mais alegria ao vosso dia a dia. Beijinhos e até amanhã!
Well, I hope your melanine hasn't turn into envy-green! My only goal is to brighten up your every day life. Bye, see you tomorrow!
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