Hoteis de Design...Design Hotels
segunda-feira, junho 06, 2011Olá bom dia, espero que o fim de semana tenha corrido bem, o meu apesar de não ter sido na praia, foi bastante bom. Hoje é dia de Hoteis de Design, e vamos dar um pulo a essa fantástica cidade, com a praia logo ao lado, e que é a Cidade de Gaudi, Barcelona! O hotel que hoje vos targo tem sido amplamente publicitado pela sua arquitectura contemporânea o Hotel Omn, é um verdadeiro ícone de design, com interiores soberbos, Spa, Salão de Beleza, 3 restaurantes, e um Night Club digno da "la movida epanhola", ora vejam...
Hello good morning, I hope you had a fantástic weekend, although it wasn't on the beach, mine was quite good. Today is Design Hotels day, and let's hop over to this fantastic city, with the beach right next door, the city of Gaudi, Barcelona! Today's hotel has been widely publicized for it's contemporary architecture the Hotel Omn, it's a true design icon, with superb interiors, spa, beauty salon, three restaurants, and a night club worthy of "la movida epanhola" take a look ...
Hello good morning, I hope you had a fantástic weekend, although it wasn't on the beach, mine was quite good. Today is Design Hotels day, and let's hop over to this fantastic city, with the beach right next door, the city of Gaudi, Barcelona! Today's hotel has been widely publicized for it's contemporary architecture the Hotel Omn, it's a true design icon, with superb interiors, spa, beauty salon, three restaurants, and a night club worthy of "la movida epanhola" take a look ...

O SPA e o Salão de Beleza. SPA and Beauty Saloon

A piscina e o Terraço. The swiming pool and Terrace.

Os restaurantes. The restaurants

E cá está mais outro Hotel de 5 estrelas, para me deixar os nervos em frangalhos, numa cidade linda cheia de movimento e alto astral, espero que gostem! Beijinhos, até amanhã!
And here it is another 5-star hotel, to make me a nervous wreck, in beautiful city full of movement and great vibe! I hope you enjoy it! Love, see you tomorrow!
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