Hoteis de Design...Design Hotels
segunda-feira, maio 23, 2011Olá bom dia, espero que tenham tido um bom fim de semana, e se acaso ainda estão inebriados pelo cheirinho a férias, que os fins de semana emanam, então preparem-se! Hoje trago-vos imagens de um hotel absolutamente fantástico, que não exige uma passagem de avião porque é PORTUGUÊS! E é LINDO, IDÍLICO, GLAMOROSO, é tudo isto e mais, muito mais, enfim, enche-me de orgulho. O Hotel THE OITAVOS, fica na Quinta da Marinha e é o luxo personificado...
Hello good morning, I hope you had a nice weekend, and if your still a bit inebriated with the smell of holidays, provided by weekends, get ready! Today I bring you pictures of an absolutely fantastic hotel, which does not require a plane ticket because it's PORTUGUESE! And it is BEAUTIFUL, IDYLLIC, GLAMOROUS, is all that and more, much more, and well, it fills me with pride. THE OITAVOS Hotel, is located in Quinta da Marinha and is luxury personified...
Hello good morning, I hope you had a nice weekend, and if your still a bit inebriated with the smell of holidays, provided by weekends, get ready! Today I bring you pictures of an absolutely fantastic hotel, which does not require a plane ticket because it's PORTUGUESE! And it is BEAUTIFUL, IDYLLIC, GLAMOROUS, is all that and more, much more, and well, it fills me with pride. THE OITAVOS Hotel, is located in Quinta da Marinha and is luxury personified...
O Hotel. The Hotel

As Suites. The Suites.

O Spa. The Spa.

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