Adoro Verde!...I Do Love Green!
quarta-feira, junho 08, 2011Hello good afternoon, sorry for the delay but this morning I had a meeting with clients and only now just managed to make this post, which as you might have guessed it's about green. I love green, it´s the choice for the touches of color at my place, that one day I'll show you (when it's finally ready, decoratively speaking, and when I feel less insecure, whenever that might be ...)! Just a pillow, a lampshade, a bouquet of flowers and the atmosphere changes, right?

Branco com tudo, absolutamente tudo e com pequenos apontamentos de verde é soberbo. O verde faz também uma combinação fabulosa com cinza!
White with everything, absolutly everything, and with pops of green it´s superb. Green also makes a great combo with gray!

Photos: Google Images, Decor Pad, Lonny Mag, Kelly Hoppen, Casa do Passadiço
Aqui têm, a minha cor predilecta para apontamentos, quando todo resto me permite claro! Espero que tenham gostado das sugestões, o verde nem sempre é de inveja, é para espaços encatadores! Beijinhos, até amanhã!
And there you have it, my favorit color, for pop ups, when everything else allows me, of course! I hope you liked the suggestions, green it´s not only for envy, it´s also for amanzing spaces. Love, see you tomorrow!
1 comentários
Tb adoro verde!!