Manos e Manas....Brothers and Sisters
terça-feira, abril 12, 2011Apesar de termos tido duas camas, eu acabava inevitavelmente por dormir sempre na cama da minha mana, exausta de tanta conversa, de tanto cantarmos baixinho e de brincadeira claro! Partilhar quarto não tem que ser uma dor de cabeça, para pais, aliás hoje em dia o tamanho das casas, quase que a isso obriga! Se este é o seu caso as imagens abaixo, podem ajudar! O meu conselho para este género de quartos, pauta-se por dois aspectos, leveza e arrumação, por isso opte por mobiliário leve, de preferência o lacado branco, e se possível com dupla função, exemplo gavetas debaixo da cama. Depois um toque de cor, quer seja num papel de parede, na roupa de cama, enfim a imaginação é o limite...
Although we had two beds, I inevitably ended up sleeping in my sister's bed, exhausted from all the talking, and singing and playing, quietly of course! Sharing a room does not have to be an headache for parents, in fact today's house sizes, almost compels you to that! If this is your case the images below can help! My advice to these kind of rooms, is guided by two points, lightness and storage, so choose light furniture, preferably white lacquered, and if possible with a dual function, for example drawers under the bed. After that a touch of color, whether in a wallpaper, or on the bed covers, and your imagination is the limit ...
Although we had two beds, I inevitably ended up sleeping in my sister's bed, exhausted from all the talking, and singing and playing, quietly of course! Sharing a room does not have to be an headache for parents, in fact today's house sizes, almost compels you to that! If this is your case the images below can help! My advice to these kind of rooms, is guided by two points, lightness and storage, so choose light furniture, preferably white lacquered, and if possible with a dual function, for example drawers under the bed. After that a touch of color, whether in a wallpaper, or on the bed covers, and your imagination is the limit ...
1 comentários
very lovely rooms