Ao Jantar... At Dinner Time
sexta-feira, abril 15, 2011Quem gosta de receber em casa, na altura da a decorar, dedica muito tempo à escolha certa de mesa e cadeiras da sala de jantar. "A mesa tem que estender para que possam caber mais pessoas, e as cadeiras têm que ser extra confortáveis, para horas de conversa", este é o pedido mais frequente dos meus clientes. E como eu os entendo! É à mesa que se trocam mimos, por isso é com agrado que respondo a estes pedidos. Seja uma sala de jantar mais romântica ou mais conteporânea, o único requisisto é o mobiliário tenha as dimensões certas para o espaço em questão, para que possa permitir a circulação das pessoas, e da diversão!
Who ever likes to entertain at home, when time comes to decor it, dedicates big attention to the dinner table, and dinnner chairs choice. " The table has to extend, so that it fit more people, and the chairs have to be extra confy, for the long hours of conversation", this is the number one request from my clients. And I absolutly understand them! It´s at the dinner table, that we show love and appreciation for our guests, so I listen and obey! Whether is a romantic or more contemporary dinner room, the only request is that the furniture has the right proportions for the space available, to allow people's circulation and fun!
Who ever likes to entertain at home, when time comes to decor it, dedicates big attention to the dinner table, and dinnner chairs choice. " The table has to extend, so that it fit more people, and the chairs have to be extra confy, for the long hours of conversation", this is the number one request from my clients. And I absolutly understand them! It´s at the dinner table, that we show love and appreciation for our guests, so I listen and obey! Whether is a romantic or more contemporary dinner room, the only request is that the furniture has the right proportions for the space available, to allow people's circulation and fun!
Casa Cor
Veranda Magazine
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